+971 552248524

who we are

3E Worldwide is an innovative social enterprise committed to educate, enhance and empower everyone through education and enhancement programs; that are tailor made, affordable cost with quality, backed by personalized monitoring; that are subsidized through sponsorships, donations and sale of services. Founded by Dr. Mauli Mahajan, 3E Worldwide opens its doors to everyone: students, parents, teachers, schools, home makers, corporates, institutions, NGOs and retired people (angels) from all walks of life. Its primary focus area includes well-being, career planning and guidance, academic advancement, income generation, community outreach & research & development. As a global online platform, removing the barriers of high cost, location and accessibility, 3EWorldwide was born relating and empathizing to the present need of the situation. It aims to acknowledge and build uponthe social problems such as :
  • Psychological, emotional, academic, social and financial stress, frustration, and tension
  • Increase in Unemployment
  • Reduction in Incomes
  • Re- location of families leading to Transfers and Re-enrolments
  • Modification to Careers, Academics and Professions
  • Lack of Person to Person Communication
  • Crashing of Financial Markets and Investments
  • Need and Urgency to Reach out to the Community
Looking at the half glass full philosophy of 3E Worldwide, present pandemics has also given us an opportunity to leverage digital platforms where we have seen evidence of top-quality programs being delivered and accessed successfully, from across the globe.